Our Mission
TMC exists to address the needs of people in our own backyard. Struggles include abuse, addiction, loneliness, job and family instability, food and nutritional needs, as well as medical, educational, and financial needs. Poverty has spiritual roots as well as physical. And all ages and races are affected by these struggles.
TOGETHER MINISTRY CENTER acts on the belief that regardless of circumstances, Jesus is able to heal and deliver. And He uses ordinary people like us to reveal His extraordinary love and grace. TMC invites you to participate in ministry with us by: praying, donating, and, subscribing to receive updates.
These are exciting times. The glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all flesh will see it together (Isaiah 40:4-5). Together. What a great word!
TMC NEWS - Life Together
Our friend, Ms. Pat, created a small custom quilt for Together Ministry Center, with squares for each child to put a personalized ‘thumbprint person.’ The children decorated their thumbprint self-portraits and autographed their squares. This quilt is a beautiful reminder of each child’s sacred worth. John 10:10 says, “The thief comes only…