Come on down to the living water, waves of mercy washing over you! No more strangers, only sons and daughters! Come down to the living water, and rise up new! Anne Wilson, “Living Water” On Palm Sunday we had a baptism service at the outdoor pool of some dear friends…

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Summer Synopsis: JOY!

June was a rich month of joy, which we shared with our summer campers, student leaders, and community. At the end of the month we had a “joy distribution day” of help and hope in our neighborhood. Each camper eagerly carried a personally decorated, joy-themed brown bag to give away. Inside…

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Valentine’s Day, 2024: Street Party!

On Valentine’s Day, 2024, we decided to take God’s “kingdom love” to the streets. Each of our homeschool children picked a favorite scripture and put it on a self-illustrated bookmark. Then they got a Bible, tucked the bookmark inside, and prayerfully chose a person whom they wanted to give both…

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Blessings to you in this new year, 2024. I am so thankful we are here. The snow is a stunning reminder of God’s promises and His relentless commitment to His people, wayward as we can be! I confess I have wrestled with the load I’ve carried over the past months.…

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Let Your Light Shine! October, 2023

**This is the first of several blogs I hope to post before 2024 arrives. The countdown is on! What a gloriously rich, full October we had, enjoying fall colors and cooler temperatures. Carving pumpkins was a highlight for us. We enjoy getting the slime out and putting the light in!…

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