I am eager to share some of what has been going on over the past months. At last! Life is full. And in the natural, I would say I’ve been overwhelmed by the demands and responsibilities. But I don’t like to use that word, because God is always in the flood of the “overwhelming.” He has my full attention. He is faithful to either make needed course corrections, or else to prove that He is able to abundantly provide for the demands which appear to overwhelm. Either way, He is still the Potter and we are still the clay. Life is beautiful!
Summer was an amazing, busy time of seed-sowing as we hosted Summer Camp, 2023. Most camp days we worked with about 25 children. Children came three days a week for six weeks, and they dug deep into the theme of identity. Day by day the children were encouraged: “You are loved with an everlasting love. You are a child of God! You are chosen. You are called by name. You are His masterpiece, created for good works.” We continue to pray that all these truths— reinforced and expressed through artwork, worship, songs accompanied by drumming, puppet dramatizations, and scripture copywork— will be like good seed, taking root in the soil of each child’s heart. May every seed grow to bear much fruit!

Many times in Scripture, Jesus had to correct his disciples because of their lack of compassion, their misunderstanding of His mission of love. In one instance, Luke 9:56, Jesus finishes his rebuke with these words: “The Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” While it’s often easier to condemn than it is to love, Jesus’ words and actions are a timely reminder, piercing and resetting my own heart. In all the chaos of this world, it’s easy to get distracted from the goal. What a radical call, this life for Jesus! No turning back….