Our Mission
TMC exists to address the needs of people in our own backyard. Struggles include abuse, addiction, loneliness, job and family instability, food and nutritional needs, as well as medical, educational, and financial needs. Poverty has spiritual roots as well as physical. And all ages and races are affected by these struggles.
TOGETHER MINISTRY CENTER acts on the belief that regardless of circumstances, Jesus is able to heal and deliver. And He uses ordinary people like us to reveal His extraordinary love and grace. TMC invites you to participate in ministry with us by: praying, donating, and, subscribing to receive updates.
These are exciting times. The glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all flesh will see it together (Isaiah 40:4-5). Together. What a great word!
TMC NEWS - Life Together
LIVING WATER. No shortage!
Recently, in the midst of an unforeseen struggle, we had a beautiful opportunity to love “in deed.” Repeated water line repairs in our community necessitated that water be cut off. When we had no water during homeschool hours, we couldn’t wash our hands or the dishes. We couldn’t flush the…
I am eager to share some of what has been going on over the past months. At last! Life is full. And in the natural, I would say I’ve been overwhelmed by the demands and responsibilities. But I don’t like to use that word, because God is always in the…

Come on down to the living water, waves of mercy washing over you!
No more strangers, only sons and daughters! Come down to the living water, and rise up new! Anne Wilson, “Living Water”
On Palm Sunday we had a baptism service at the outdoor pool of some dear friends and co-laborers. 12 children and 3 adults gave their testimonies and were baptized. We were all deeply moved by the 15 testimonies and baptisms! In fact, 5 more children asked to be baptized on the spot!
The very first adult we met when we went out to Candlelight (in 2012) was baptized in this beautiful service. What a holy reminder that God is faithful! “God led me through the fire of cancer, addiction, and grief. He used those trials to lead me to Him. God brought me out!”
Come down to the living water, and rise up new!
A youth testified, “I used to be in darkness before I came to school at Victory. I was bad-tempered, and I used foul language when I was around other kids. At that time I didn’t know who God was. My sisters went to Victory for homeschool, but I was in public school. Then I had the chance to come to Victory. I heard things I’d never heard before. I saw my classmates all-in and I wanted to give my life to Jesus! When I was 12 everything began to change. It’s like I tore out of my old skin and became new—like a butterfly! I’m so thankful I came to Victory.”
Come down to the living water, and rise up new!