Category: Life TOGETHER Stories for His Glory
I am smiling because of a promise made to me by two young friends whom I met through Together Ministry Center. We have established honest, trusting relationships. Not long ago one of them looked at me with penetrating sincerity and said,“Mrs. Karen, I don’t know how old you are. But when you die I am going to…
People are hungry. But hunger is not just physical. When we go out with food to share, our prayer is to be equipped and alert to meet more than physical needs. Recently we were out distributing dinner (blessed to have church’s surplus to share with others). After receiving a clamshell of…
Each time love breaks into the places we serve, we see beyond the temporal. And what we find is indescribable treasure. Here are a few of the treasures filling Together Ministry Center’s overflowing heart today. Heartbeat (Bucket Drumming). Love! Unexpected guests with specific needs. Adults and children together. God’s heartbeat…
Stories for His Glory

I am smiling because of a promise made to me by two young friends whom I met through Together Ministry Center. We have established honest, trusting relationships. Not long ago one of them looked at me with penetrating sincerity and said,“Mrs. Karen, I don’t know how old you are. But when you die I am going to…
People are hungry. But hunger is not just physical. When we go out with food to share, our prayer is to be equipped and alert to meet more than physical needs. Recently we were out distributing dinner (blessed to have church’s surplus to share with others). After receiving a clamshell of…

Each time love breaks into the places we serve, we see beyond the temporal. And what we find is indescribable treasure. Here are a few of the treasures filling Together Ministry Center’s overflowing heart today. Heartbeat (Bucket Drumming). Love! Unexpected guests with specific needs. Adults and children together. God’s heartbeat…