
Getwell Road Youth Volunteers


Jimmy and Teresa


Maples Christmas “Candle-Tree” Volunteers

Together Ministry Center is supported by amazing volunteers. We consider the volunteers co-laborers, because each one has a vital part in what TMC does day after day, week after week, and at specific events. This is a word  of thanks to all those who supply what TMC needs by laboring with us and beside us!

Thank you, Bob, for picking up food for weekly distribution. Your faithful availability and your enthusiasm are a blessing. You are also a beautiful advocate for those we serve.

Thank you, Donna, for sorting through clothes, for sizing and organizing and storing them for our quarterly clothes giveaways. We couldn’t maintain this ministry without your help.

Thank you, Kay and Jerry, for tutoring children at our RV. When you tutor these students in reading and math, you are touching hearts, affirming worth, encouraging the young people to complete the course set before them. We know for a fact that your investment is changing outcomes. How beautiful!

Thank you, Katie, for keeping our books and providing such detailed, helpful financial reports.

Thank you, Tommy and Jimmy, for providing transportation. And thank you, Jimmy and Teresa, for distributing food for us when we need help.

Thank you, Rick, Bob, and Jimmy, for sharing your skills as repairmen. Cars, trailer roofs, you name it! You do it.

Thank you, friends at Getwell Road and Maples, for sharing time and energy and resources to create opportunities to connect. From sharing leftover Wednesday night food, to organizing a story time with goodie bags, to providing on-site VBS, you are a tremendous blessing to those we serve.

These are just some of the pictures and descriptions of friends who co-labor with us. There are many more behind the scenes praying, giving financially, and offering other gifts. We are humbled by every act of support! The blessings are being multiplied day after day. Thank you for sharing the JOY of ministry with us!

“For what thanks can we render to God for you in return for all the joy with which we rejoice before our God on your account…?”

1 Thess. 3:9

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