Jesus. He is the greatness, power, glory, victory, and majesty I would share in this long-overdue post. That is how I begin. What a miraculous and glorious year we have had. And here we stand on the last day of what has been a most challenging, unpredictable 2020, lifting our hands in grateful praise to the One who has provided and accomplished beyond all we could have imagined.

In September, after virtual school opened at Victory (our trailer), one of our second graders brought me her pipe-cleaner-bound, unsolicited autobiography, complete with self-portrait.
Last year at this time we couldn’t have imagined the beautiful full-sized trailer we now have on Lot 93. Victory Plus. What are the chances that the model name of our trailer would be “Victory Plus?” But that is part of our amazing 2020 God story. Victory was paid for and delivered at the end of February, and it has been a signpost and a word of hope for those we serve ever since. This entire year, as Covid shook everything that could be shaken, God gave us breathtaking opportunities to expand and deepen our outreach to the vulnerable and hurting in our midst.

One of our fourth grade students helped assemble an easel for use in the second grade classroom at Victory.

Our virtual learning assistant, Bre, used her imagination and some boxes left over from food distribution to create a hilariously entertaining all-boxed-in recess race for our students. Never a dull moment!
In August we became an onsite hub for virtual students to do their schooling. We currently provide educational assistance to eight students, and will continue to offer that help through the end of the school year. What a special gift it is to be able to pour into these children’s lives with the resources we’ve been given! God provided retired teachers and others, right on time, to assist us with the educational needs we’re addressing in this critical season of unforeseen change.
We also continue to provide opportunities for all the children in our community to come to Victory, and we are very careful when we gather. We have air filters that run continuously; we provide masks and face shields for those who enter Victory; and we take extra precautions with surface cleaning and hand sanitizing. Thankfully, we have all stayed well!

During the holiday season many donors linked arms with us to provide for those we serve. About 50 families received Thanksgiving meal provisions. At Christmas, once again many more meals were supplied for distribution. Approximately 75 children were provided with Christmas presents by “angels” whom they have never met. A group of knitters brought handmade hats and mittens for the children, and other donors brought stockings, Christmas socks, soups, and snacks out so that we could share with those we serve. God so loves the world! We have seen it and experienced it through the generous love of donors….

On the last day of school before Christmas break, the children made gingerbread houses. They were absolutely inspired!
As 2020 comes to a close, I anticipate 2021 with heart and hands wide open. There are more amazing adventures ahead! The One who gave us Victory, literally and figuratively, will continue to win every battle. May His kingdom come and His will be done. And may we see it with our own eyes! All eyes are on You, Lord! We are Yours.
Thank you for sharing this journey with us. We are humbly and eternally grateful.
“Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty! Indeed, all that is in heaven and on earth is Yours…. Wealth and honor come from You; You are the ruler of all things. In Your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. Now, our God, we give you thanks and praise your glorious name. ” 1 Chronicles 29:11-13