We had such an amazing month that I had to put off writing this post….I still don’t know if I am ready to put what I want to say into words. It is hard for me to express experiences that reach so far and so deep into the heart. I’m undone by all we have seen of the beautiful grace of God at work in our midst.
In July, John baptized five children who asked for Christian baptism. What special days of preparation preceded the glorious day of celebration! Each of the children shared his or her ‘story’ with us, and I had the task of condensing each one into a brief paragraph. As we listened to their precious, faith-filled statements, we were reminded of Jesus’ admonishment that we must come to Him in childlike faith, completely reliant upon the Holy Spirit to complete what He has begun in us.
One child, full of joy and confidence, said she asked God for forgiveness and she heard Him say in her heart, “I forgive you!” Another, when asked what she would tell a friend about Jesus, began to sing softly: “Jesus loves me, this I know!…” Yet another child expressed her gratitude that “Jesus forgives me when I ask. And no matter what, I am never alone…. I want to always love Him the way He loves me!” Amen! So be it, Lord.
After the service of baptism we had a celebration lunch at our home. It was such a day of rejoicing! Friends of ours generously provided food, and when we arrived after worship some of them were already there, ready to serve. Aunts and uncles, grandparents and friends, young and old came to celebrate with those who were baptized. It was RICH!
After lunch, the children led in praise with the sound of bucket drums! We also shared the story of the wise man who built his house upon the rock. When the rains came and the floods rose, the house on the rock stood firm. ( Matthew 7:24-25). The children who sealed their faith in Christ in baptism are like the wise man! May we all choose to live like the wise man.
We don’t want to merely remember, though. We want our lives — and the children’s– to bear good fruit. John has cultivated a small patch of raspberries in our backyard, and when he gave the word, the children ran to pick the harvest of berries. It was the perfect way to end our time of celebration. The harvest is ready! Lift up your eyes and see!
Matthew 9:37-38, “Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.'”