Amazing Grace: VISION and PROVISION

TMC has just seen the love and power of God in a glorious, faith-building, gotta-testify way! God speaks.  God casts the vision. And when He casts the vision, He also accomplishes it. God gets the glory! Today as I write, I am seeing the undeniably supernatural connection between God-given vision and God-given provision. The…

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Bird Flying Free

A couple weeks ago in the street in front of our home, my neighbor and I found a bird, crippled and bound by a tangled mess of fishing line. Because it was so tied up in filament, my neighbor had to gently hold the bird while I took scissors and…

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I stood at the edge of the lake in shallow water. People were everywhere, some in the water, others on the shore. They were beginning to turn to silhouettes as night started to fall. I had my eye on a particular young girl who was slowly, silently making her way…

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All week we heard the weather-talk about the threat of rain on Saturday. A block away from where we ministered, sure enough a two-minute torrential downpour drenched the neighborhood. But not a drop fell on the ground where we walked. Glory! The Son was shining on our appointed time and…

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