One of my favorite times of meeting with the Lord is on my prayer run. When I’m running, I can’t stop to put clothes in the wash, wipe up the spill I see on the floor, or balance the checkbook. But outside on my run, my heart is lifted beyond myself and my burdens. I witness the indescribable greatness of God in creation and I surrender to the only One who can heal what is broken. I’m reminded of the power of His love at work in all things which concern me, and I’m strengthened in faith and hope as I take every person and circumstance to His throne of grace. His promises are all “yes and amen!” And He is able to do beyond all I could dare ask, think, or imagine.

I come to the Father empty to be filled, hungry to be fed, weak to be made strong. I come with a song of praise to my Savior, my Source, my All. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! My heart will ever dance and sing for joy. Look at the photos below and you will see why. Life abundant!

the gift of new life

Celebration Place with the younger children- freedom in Jesus!

Doorstep Stories, sharing laughter and life

making cookies, sweetness inside and out

learning to fly!

Last week I drove to the city park to do my run. Rain was on the way, and I wanted to avoid having to run in the rain. I parked in my usual spot, close to a number of other cars. But as I finished a sweet prayer run with the Lord and approached my car, I noticed that the back passenger window of the car was down. Then in alarm I realized the window wasn’t down, it was shattered. And my purse, which I had hidden carefully under the console before I left the house, had been stolen.

Someone no doubt had been watching me and was desperate. The back windows in my vehicle have a dark tint. My purse was hidden. Other cars were all around. So how is it that this thief would come to a car in broad daylight (with potential witnesses everywhere), and take the risk of breaking a window to steal a purse he theoretically could not even see? Only someone trapped in darkness. I felt violated and vulnerable. The enemy mocked, “So you think you are protected by the Lord? Where was He when your window was shattered and your purse and identification were stolen? I have your address now, too…!”

After the police came and made a report, I spent the week cleaning up messes and potential messes: getting a new window put in my car, getting replacement cards and a new driver’s license, stopping payments, placing alerts on our accounts, etc. But I no longer felt violated or vulnerable.

Although the thief comes relentlessly to steal, kill, and destroy, Jesus is both relentless and victorious. He comes to give life. Life abundant!

The Lord was protecting me when that robbery took place, and He is still protecting me: all day, every day, 24/7.  His love is pure, powerful, and victorious. He’s got my back. Even now, He is pouring out his limitless and unconditional love so faithfully, ever seeking the lost. So I am praying for the one who broke into my car and stole my purse. May that captive be set free, and may he or she find life abundant. Light for darkness, beauty for ashes. Freedom! With men it is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. I believe.

walking TOGETHER, our faces toward the Son!

” The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; I came that they may have life and life abundant. ” John 10:10

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