- Thank you to the Maples Missions Committee for a Spirit-inspired “Candle Tree.” And thank you to the Maples church family and all who adopted Candle Tree children! We’re grateful for the love, prayers, and participation which the Candle Tree initiated, and we continue to see the needs of our neighbors being met by your generosity of love.
- Thank you to Maples knitters and Cedarview knitters for their gifts of hats, scarves, and mittens. These precious gifts were the ‘costumes’ neighborhood children got to keep after participating in an impromptu presentation of the story of Jesus’ birth. Look for hats, mittens, and scarves on the children in the photo. Gifts of love!
- Thank you to all who shared the Christmas story in song. The words to Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, O Come All Ye Faithful, and Silent Night minister miraculously to hearts hungry for hope. When we lift our voices and sing these Christmas songs, we become the messengers of good news of great joy for all people. Thank you to all who participated!
- Thank you to all those who organized gifts for distribution, loaded gifts on trucks, and went door to door distributing gifts. Amazing love.
What better present could anyone give-- or receive? JESUS. Forgiveness. Freedom. Peace. Joy that no one can take away. Hope that does not disappoint. Love that never fails. His presents. His presence. May these gifts be yours, now and in the new year!
"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth."
John 1:14