TOGETHER MINISTRY CENTER is a compassionate ministry of hope, help, and relationship which reaches out to underserved people of all ages and races in Desoto County and northwest Mississippi.
TMC exists to address the needs and brokenness of underserved, disenfranchised people in our own backyard. Struggles include abuse, addiction, loneliness, job and family instability, food and nutritional needs, as well as medical, educational, and financial needs. Poverty has spiritual roots as well as physical. And all ages and races are affected by these struggles. Yet TMC is born out of the belief that regardless of circumstances, Jesus lives to heal, deliver, and restore. The needs are great, but so is the opportunity!
Let every valley be lifted up, every mountain and hill be made low; and let the rough ground become a plain and the rugged terrain a broad valley; then the glory of The Lord will be revealed, and all flesh will see it TOGETHER…. Isaiah 40:4-5.